Do you ever wonder how data is stored? It is often stored in a SQL database.
SQL, also known as Server Query Language, acts as the name suggests:
a language used to request and manipulate information stored in databases.
Why learn SQL
1. Easy to learn

Actions are performed with few words
CREATE TABLE employees (id INT);

ALTER TABLE employees

DROP TABLE employees;

2. Become Self Sufficient

Retrieve data on your own. No need to ask anyone for information becasue you can cope on your own. Learn SQL and you can retrieve the data you need.

Lets return the employee number 5542’s name
FROM employees
WHERE id = 5542;
Discover trends as a result of exploratory data analysis

Lets return the average employee salary
SELECT AVG(salary)
FROM employees;
3. Automate Repetitive Boring Tasks

With tools like Power BI and Tableau reports can be drastically improved. Dashboards, drillable information and brilliant visualisations are all possible in these platforms.
Of course, data must be provided to report upon. Historically, this would involve manually downloading and uploading information, reformatting and re-linking up to date information.
But now, with the use of SQL, we can automate all of this, saving hours of work!
4. High in Demand

With your new found superpower you can fly above the competition with a skillset that is in short supply. Demand for employees who have skills in SQL are on the rise and this demand does not look to stop any time soon. Because of this you’ll be the one to watch!
And that’s 4 key reasons to learn SQL! Xel Beyond!