How did I get a job as a data analyst?

Hi – my name is Sid and I’m a data analyst

I’m a full time data analyst (p.s. I love my job)
My Data Analyst Job
I work in Corporate Finance and describe my job as dashboards for deals
Power BI Dashboards for buying/selling companies.
dashboards for deals
but……..who cares what I do?……..because you can too!
5 Stupidly Simple Steps
Follow the steps below accurately and honestly and
STEP ONE: Decide

Okay okay I know what your thinking: Decide? Really? Is this even a step?
People follow through on actions when they identify with a group
To help explain this let me walk you through an example
Example: Joe the alcoholic
Joe has recently stopped drinking
You ask Joe a series of questions

How long since you had your last drink?
5 and a half days
Why are you counting Joe?
Well last time I tried, I lasted a week
Are you counting so you can tell people how long you lasted?
No! (translation: Yes, obviously!)
Joe gets 8 days in and returns to drinking.
The point of this is not to demonise Joe’s drinking: I have a drink most days!
Nor is this an AA intervention.
The point is Joe still identifies as a drinker.
How on earth does this apply to data analytics?
To become an aspiring data analyst,
you must identify as an aspiring data analyst.
Yoda must have said this at some point
Repeat after me: I will become a data analyst. It’s just a matter of time.
Once you have the mindset, you will adapt and overcome

STEP TWO: Pick Your Niche

Forget this lets just learn some cool stuff?! No?
Now you’ve focused your mind, it’s just a matter of time, so let us decide how to spend it.
Let’s take some lessons from the battlefield via Sun Tzu

What Sun Tzu is saying is that you must plan your attack or you will plan to fail.
There is data everywhere. Ipso facto as an aspiring data analyst there are jobs everywhere.
So….why do I need to plan if there are all these jobs?
Because you want to find the right job!
Plan your attack:
- Analyse your current skill set. Where would you be best placed?
- What are you interested in?
For me, as an accountant, I was well placed in the financial world, to use technology, to become a Transactions Data Analyst (dashboards for deals).
You don’t need prior skills. All I am saying is think ahead or you’ll lose it, wondering how you ended up in the “wrong place”.
Too many people just fall into a job.

How did you choose that series you started watching?
Oh, well it took me ages! I scrolled for an hour through Netflix.
Notice the dedication and mental effort.
So how did you pick your career?
Well, I sort of just applied for things and it just happened.
Notice the lack of dedication and mental effort.
I mean why put in as much effort to this decision, it’s only a few years of your life for 7 hours a day!
There is no way you’d just randomly click your next series and just start watching without consideration: so, don’t do this with jobs!
If you dont plan you’ll lose

STEP THREE: Learn Some Skills

Okay so you’ve made it this far. You’ve done your homework and narrowed your sights on your goal.
Now you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?
Clint Eastwood
Just kidding. This is the entire reason you planned. This is going to happen!
Lesson one: I will become a data analyst because of
lesson two, we’ve planned for this.
Let’s start taking action.
Do your research and find a few jobs you’d want to do. There are loads of places you can look:
Job boards: Target jobs & Indeed
Company websites: RSM (for example mine)
Ps, please ignore the entry level jobs that ask for 50 million years of experience. These companies have lost their minds.

What things do these jobs require you to have?
Once you’ve decided on the skills you want, there are plenty of place to learn. Both free and paid!
Hey presto you’re qualified for your new job!
skills will help you achieve

LESSON FOUR: Build a Portfolio

You’ve got the skills but how do people know this? You need to build a portfolio!
This will also aid in your learning: Practice makes perfect!
A portfolio is a brilliant way to show off your new skills.
Start with 1 well-constructed project and keep to a maximum of 3.
Nobody wants to read through more three projects! When I spoke to my manager, they certainly didn’t read all three of mine.
I hear you! How and where do I put together a portfolio?!
Via a free website! Yes free!
Alex the Analyst showed me the ways of force: 30 min video
If you’re stuck for projects he also has some great ones to follow along to: Playlist
Here is the one I put together when I was looking for my first full time data analyst role: my portfolio. It took me around a month.
A portfolio will open the door

STEP FIVE: Build a kick ass CV

You have everything you need! Time to build a kick ass CV!
You’ve: Strategised, chosen a niche, learned the skills and demonstrated them.
Now just fill in this thing called a CV.
All the hard work is out the way. It’s time to write down why you deserve those jobs you worked so hard for!
Go to google docs and you’ll find loads of great templates.
There is a lot of advice about how to put a good CV together but it really all goes along the lines of:
- Be concise – get to the point
- Keep it to 1 page
- Back up everything with evidence
- Tailor your CV to the job you’re applying for
Why is your CV going to stand out?
You’ve now acquired the skills you need for the job & you’ve got an awesome website. It was one of the main reasons I got my job.
Draw the bees to the hive

One: Once you have the mindset, you will adapt and overcome
Two: If you dont plan you’ll lose
Three: skills will help you achieve
Four: A portfolio will open the door
Five: Draw the bees to the hive
Excel is the most demanded skill for data analysts jobs.
Here is a great place to get started: Excel Basics